Wednesday, January 8, 2014


One of the hardest jobs in the world, is giving names.
Naming a newborn baby, your blog post, your "scariest" teacher, your "coolest" classmate. Wouldn't you rather hang dumbbells from your eyelids?
(India's Got Talent. Don't ask how gruesome that was.)
Who, named the feeling of love, love, for the first time?
I decided to do my last minute panic research on Google. I was absolutely amazed to find, that while Google usually detects what you want to search, it was completely clueless about the name giver of love.

It kept giving me results for "Find your true love" or "True love meter", and after changing keywords for twenty times at least, I finally ended up with an answer on Ask.
The answer started with " Dear friend, after loads of research and checking up almost a hundred atlases...."
THAT, was what it took to find the person who coined the phrase "love." 
Even though it is said it was a Roman dude, people are chiming in, by saying it was Adam and Eve. Then again, someone actually took offense that people were looking for the discovery and origin of the word. According to them "Luv iss juts not a wrd, it iss a felling tht cant b exprssd in wrds." 

This is copy paste, I swear.

Not only "love". I just did that to catch your attention. I know some people were thinking this might be such a romantic post, yay. Sorry to disappoint you.
Not only love, take time out and search for other emotions and who named them. You'll see that the search engine which provides us with a myriad of links for all other topics, will have limited answers for something. You must admit, though. It does feel good to let Google down, sometimes. Don't tell Google. They may, dunno, cancel my account or something.

Worse still, block me from searching stuff.
I'm so flunking Class 9.

Moreover, I have even seen this, that people absolutely pun intended, to alter, the given names. I have been Jafari, Zufur, Juffar, forget it. This is getting too damn painful. I take this opportunity to tell you how to pronounce my last name. (It's spelt as Jaffar, but you say it like Jaafur, "a" as in America.) But its a fact, and the most annoying thing on the planet (Except for maybe Candy Crush game requests.)

Then again, names are an art. How many of us don't marvel at one of our friend's name extraordinaire?
It strikes a feeling of unfamiliarity in you. Unfamiliarity comes with an air of mystery. And everyone loves mysteries. Not just the now-very-predictable-sadly Christie ones.

Everything you do, ignites some kind of feeling in you. You must be feeling something right now as well. You might be thinking "Her first one was better", "Is it over yet?" "What a lovely power nap". You might have blown more air out of your nose than usual when you read the lame attempts to make you laugh.
More than anything, you must be laughing at me. Yes.

Because I am the one who is coming over here and giving you this ginormous lecture about names, when the stark reality is I'm the last person to come to for naming suggestions EVER . This was the first time I wanted to write without wondering about a name for the post.
This is a tip for those who get stuck on titles, like me. It has bailed me out countless number of times. Never try to fixate upon trying to name your pieces based on what they are about. Try naming them on what stands out more in it, what do people feel when they read it.

Dissing all the tips right now, I cannot help but feel, that after reading this, you may not be satisfied with whatever title I give this post.
So let's stick to my computer teacher's least favorite word. We're learning about HTML web pages, and  she made the piggiest face when we asked her about what  happens when we don't want to give our web page a title.
I'll just leave this Untitled. 

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